Thursday, April 24, 2008

All-in-one device?

We now have monitors that can serve as both computers and TVs; phones that can be both planners, phones, and music players; and e-readers that can be either phone/blackberry-like or their own devices.

And with each new advancement, some will resist the change while others will embrace it. For example, Joe Wikert explains on his blog why he ends up reading so much on his BlackBerry:

Blackberry Reading

8700gThe WSJ's Lee Gomes recently wrote an article about reading books on a Blackberry. It's something I originally tried on a 7100t but met with disappointing results. My 7100t died last year though and I wound up switching to the larger 8700g (shown on the left).

Ever since then I've found myself using the Blackberry for more reading than ever before. It's amazing how much the reading experience improves when you go from the 7100t screen to the slightly larger 8700g. Besides the larger screen, the major reason I find myself reading on a Blackberry is the reason Gomes cites in his article: You have the thing with you, so you might as well make the most of it.

I can't tell you how many times I've stood in line in a store, pulled out the Blackberry and started reading. One of my favorite selections: Book summaries from getAbstract, which I might add are available in a simplified PDF format that are ideal on a Blackberry. In fact, I recently read two summaries while waiting for an oil change; now that's productivity!

Other content sources I've dabbled with include DailyLit and Mobipocket, which also offers a free Blackberry reader.

I think that all media is moving to an all-in-one device, and I'm probably not the first to think so. But with the advent of e-readers, I think that this will include publishing as well.

Picture this: You sit down in your living room in front of your large flat screen monitor and instead of a remote control, pull your wireless keyboard to you. You flip through all the options--watch, call, read, browse, etc.--and decide you'd like to continue reading the book that you began on your way home on your BlackBerry...

Given the advancements that are occurring every day, I don't think this is so far- fetched or so far off.

Until next time.

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