Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How Interactive?

We all know that social media has taken off like mad and it's here to stay; now it's just a matter of what will Social Media 2.0--or 3.0--entail. We've seen how social media can affect consumer purchases (my previous post on Twitter) and NYU did a talk on how social media affected the election.

Then there's interactive media, like the Kindle and interactive websites, which as of now are not social. But as Marketwire announced today, Wetpaint is going to enable users to add social content to most websites. They predict:
"The next explosive growth phase of the web will come as every website on the planet transitions to become socially published, with user-generated content existing alongside professionally authored content," said Ben Elowitz, CEO of Wetpaint. "With the power of the Wetpaint platform now embeddable for every website publisher and operator, Wetpaint will power the massive transformation of solitary sites into social sites."
Up until now, the answer to all content questions seemed to be either "xml" or "cms." While both of these will allow publishers to reuse content simultaneously and on different platforms, this only deals with the "professionally authored content" referred to above. How will publishers be able to integrate user-generated content into their workflow?

Will user-generated content be pre-vetted, and if so, by whom and with what standards? Will this be copyedited/proofread, or just published as is? Who will own the copyright for this content?

Obviously having all publishing and media become interactive and social will lead to many questions and changes, many more questions than I have mentioned here. How do you think publishers will or should deal with interactive media?

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