Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Choose Your Own Features E-Book

As I mentioned in a previous post, I've been reading and thinking a lot about enhanced e-books. It's amazing what publishing and technology people are thinking of putting into e-books: from hyperlinks and social media to videos and music. And who knows what else is to come once the hardware, software, and workflows can keep up.

But what if you just want a straight e-book? What if you liked the words and nothing but the brilliant words that allow you to add your own mental pictures and video? What if you don't want the distractions or added expense?

Since it's all about the consumer, let's hope once e-book enhancements evolve, that the reader will be able to choose which flavor and therefore price of e-book they prefer, from the plain vanilla text-only to the chocolate-covered-with-sprinkles fully enhanced version.

And if midstream you want to upgrade to a more enhanced version,  you have the choice then to pay for the extra features. Now that would be great customer support and worth coming back for.

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